What is a IR Cut Filter

UV-IR cut filters (also called IR filters or endothermic filters) are used to filter the infrared band. For example, installation on equipment with incandescent lamps (such as slides, projectors) can block unnecessary heat from burning the lens, and installation on cameras with solid-state electronic devices (CCD or CMOS) can prevent infrared rays from passing through the camera. Cause image distortion. Typical infrared filters are usually light blue lenses, but they can still block the longer red light in the visible light band.

The IR-CUT switch is an apparatus that is placed between the camera sensor and the lens, and allows the IR-Cut filter to be placed or removed from the front of the sensor, depending on the illumination level. It is a mechanical shutter, typically powered by a motor, with NIR filter and plain glass panes.

Post time: Jun-07-2024